One Monroeville Center, Suite 850, Monroeville, PA 15146
Tel: 412-646-4151

Self Testing Kits
Saliva testing is an easy and noninvasive way of assessing your hormone status and balancing needs, and is proving to be the most reliable medium for measuring hormone levels.
Appreciating the reliability of saliva testing is based on understanding the difference between steroid hormones in saliva and in serum. This difference is based on whether or not the hormones are bound to proteins in the medium used for testing. The majority of hormones exist in one of two forms: free (5%) or protein bound (95%). It is only the free hormones that are biologically active, or bio-available, and available for delivery to receptors in the body. Those which are protein bound do not fit the receptors and are considered non-bioavailable. When blood is filtered through the salivary glands, the bound hormone components are too large to pass through the cell membranes. Only the unbound hormones pass through and into the saliva. What is measured in the saliva is the bioavailable hormone, the clinically relevant portion which will be delivered to the receptors in the tissues of the body.
Basic Three
Includes testing for three hormones:
Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T) & Estradiol (E2) $150
Available add-ons:
DHEA (D) D +$70
Cortisol x 4 (C) C +$180
Comprehensive Plus Panel E1, E2, E3, Pg, T, D, Cx4 $475
Total: 10 Tests
The Comprehensive Plus Panel expands on the Comprehensive Panel and includes estrone (E1) and estriol (E3) plus the Estrogen Quotient. The Estrogen Quotient (EQ) is a simple ratio of the cancer protective E3 to the proliferative estrogens E1 and E2. The EQ provides an assessment of breast cancer risk, with a lower number (<1.0) indicating increased risk, and a higher number (>1.0) signifying a lower risk. For maximum protection, an optimal EQ is >1.5. Because the research on the Estrogen Quotient and the protective properties of estriol has not been done with men, this panel is currently recommended for women only. This panel should be considered for patients who have:
Increased risk of developing breast cancer
History of breast cancer or other hormonally sensitive cancers
Personal or strong family history of autoimmune disease
Melatonin x 3 (M) M +$135
Comprehensive Hormone Panel E2, Pg, T, D, Cx4 $385
Total: 8 Tests
The Comprehensive Hormone Panel is the starting point for initial assessment of hormonal status and endocrine function and includes estradiol (E2), progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and four cortisols. This panel is useful with male and female patients because it looks at the full diurnal cortisol pattern; it is especially important in patients who are experiencing the following symptoms in addition to the symptoms listed for the Basic Hormone Panel:
Weight gain
Multiple chemical sensitivity
High blood sugar
Elevated lipids (cholesterol and/or triglycerides)
Chronic fatigue
Short Comprehensive Panel E2, Pg, T, D, Cx2 $295
Total: 6 Tests
This assessment is useful in men and women whose primary symptoms are related to sex hormone imbalances (elevated or depressed E2, P or T). The abbreviated adrenal panel that includes DHEA and the AM and PM cortisol levels provides a brief assessment of the level of involvement of adrenal dysfunction. Additionally, this condensed panel (like the Basic Hormone Panel) is often used for re-evaluation 2-3 months after hormone replacement has begun to monitor therapeutic values. The Short Comprehensive Panel should be ordered if the patient is suffering from:
Sleep Disturbances
Family history of breast cancer
Brain fog
NeuroHormone Complete $650
Total: 18 Tests
Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA (D), Cortisol x 4 (C), Serotonin (S), GABA (GA), Dopamine (DP), Epinephrine (E), Norepinephrine (NE), Glutamate (GLU), Glycine (GLY), Histamine (HST), Phenethylamine (PEA)
This profile is the best starting point for initial assessment of hormonal status, adrenal function and neurotransmitter balance. This profile is important for both men and women, providing baseline and monitoring information for patients of all ages. It is especially useful in individuals who are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Mood disorders, depression, anxiety
Addiction, dependency
Fatigue, lack of stamina, insomnia
Chronic illness, immune deficiency
Cognitive confusion, learning challenges, declining memory
Weight issues, appetite control
Low libido, sexual dysfunction
PMS, menopause, andropause
Fibromyalgia, chronic pain
NeuroHormone Complete Plus $725
Total: 20 Tests
Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA (D), Cortisol x 4 (C), Serotonin (S), GABA (GA), Dopamine (DP), Epinephrine (E), Norepinephrine (NE), Glutamate (GLU), Glycine (GLY), Histamine (HST), Phenethylamine (PEA)
This profile is the best starting point for initial assessment of hormonal status, adrenal function and neurotransmitter balance. This profile is important for both men and women, providing baseline and monitoring information for patients of all ages. It is especially useful in individuals who are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Mood disorders, depression, anxiety
Addiction, dependency
Fatigue, lack of stamina, insomnia
Chronic illness, immune deficiency
Cognitive confusion, learning challenges, declining memory
Weight issues, appetite control
Low libido, sexual dysfunction
PMS, menopause, andropause
Fibromyalgia, chronic pain
Basic Hormone Panel E2, Pg, T, D, C $250
Total: 5 Tests
The Basic Hormone Panel provides a basic evaluation of the sex hormones and a brief glimpse at adrenal function with the AM cortisol level. This panel is useful when retesting patients who have begun hormone therapy, but we encourage use of the Comprehensive Panel for initial evaluation. This is the minimal test recommended for symptoms that include:
Men Experiencing:
Decreased libido
Erectile dysfunction
Loss of stamina
Decrease in mental sharpness
Reduced muscle size
Tearful episodes or increased moodiness
Metabolic syndrome
Prostate enlargement or cancer
Hot flashes
Women Experiencing:
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Breast tenderness
Irregular menstrual cycles
Vaginal dryness
Urinary incontinence
Uterine fibroids
Increased facial / body hair
Adrenal Function Panel D, Cx4 $225
Total: 5 Tests
This panel provides a comprehensive view of adrenal function and includes 4 cortisol levels timed throughout the day as well as DHEA. Symptoms that would indicate ordering this panel include:
Sugar cravings
Dizzy spells
Decreased stamina
Anxiety / Depression
Diurnal Cortisol Panel CX4 $180
This panel provides a comprehensive view of adrenal function and includes 4 cortisol levels timed throughout the day. Symptoms that would indicate ordering this panel include:
Sugar cravings
Dizzy spells
Decreased stamina
Anxiety / Depression
4 Tests
This panel is similar to the Adrenal Function Panel, but would be used in patients who do not require DHEA testing.
Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine & PEA (phenylethyamine). $290
The NeuroBasic panel is a good tool for monitoring therapeutic interventions of neurotransmitter imbalances previously tested, or when symptoms indicate an imbalance. Includes inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters.
Individual Neurotransmitters
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